It is interesting how some events in life that you may predict will be the most inspiring moments can blindside you with only offering distraction. Moving has proven to be more disorienting for me than I expected, and for this reason I have not posted anything in a while. However, I do now finally feel that I am beginning to get back into a groove and plan to have more of a presence here.
Right before leaving North Carolina I bought The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron for myself. It was recommended by a friend, and I know that based on appearance and subtitle alone, it seems to be a cheesy self help book. I can't lie and say that it isn't full of inspirational quotes and anecdotes, but really it is more of a workbook than a self help guide. It is filled with exercises and suggestions of activities to complete alone when you are feeling creatively blocked. A majority of the exercises involve writing projects so it doesn't seem to only cater to artists - I would probably recommend it to anyone. I definitely thought it was worth mentioning because I have been very thankful to have it around lately.